We can’t think of a better way to spend our days than keeping kids safe from drunk driving accidents. Our business is saving lives one town at a time. Stop Drunk Driving Now and Checkpoint Magazine are commercial vehicles that promote drunk driving awareness. When you advertise in, or subscribe to our online publications, your advertising dollars help us present our message to the young people in your community.
While we work with schools, police and fire departments, and hospitals every day we want you to understand that we are not police officers, firefighters, doctors, or principals.
Do you want to know more about who Stop Drunk Driving Now is and what we want to do in your hometown? Do you want to learn about our past events and campaigns? If you click on the links below you will find letter after letter from Police and Fire Departments,Senators and State Representatives, school principals and civic leaders.
You can also see what the national media has said about us.
We have all the information here, in three easy to download PDFs.
Click the links below to learn about Stop Drunk Driving Now’s history and past events.
We thank you for your support…